12 Chinese Zodiac Characters and their Unusual Idioms
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12 Chinese Zodiac Characters and their Unusual Idioms

The 12 animals of the Zodiac are represented by Chinese zodiac characters. These characters represent the Chinese zodiac animals. Below, we’ll explain each animal and its character. We’ll also show you a popular and often slightly unusual idiom for each zodiac animal. Chinese Zodiac Characters The Chinese Zodiac are referred to as 生肖 (shēng xiào)….

Chinese Reading Practice for Beginners
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Chinese Reading Practice for Beginners

Reading Chinese at a beginner level can take patience and effort, but with the right practice readings you can quickly improve your reading skills. You probably know how to read more Chinese than you realize. There is something powerful about reading sentences and stories in Chinese that helps you jumpstart your language learning. Try reading…

HSK Reading Practice Collection – Reading Practice for Every Level
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HSK Reading Practice Collection – Reading Practice for Every Level

This collection of HSK reading practice based on your reading level will send you on your way to developing your Chinese reading skills. Each HSK level adds a number of Chinese characters and we’ve done our best to match these reading to what you should know for each level. These reading excerpts are all taken…

No Pain, All Gain – The Extensive Reading Approach to Mastering Chinese

No Pain, All Gain – The Extensive Reading Approach to Mastering Chinese

Sometimes you may feel like you’re beating your head against a wall trying to get all these Chinese characters to stick inside your brain. Memorizing lists of words. Sorting through flashcards. Repeat. Review. Repeat. Reading while just trying to figure out what’s going on and looking up every other word. There must be a better…