Taking Photos

Taking Photos

If you travel in China and find a beautiful spot, you might want to take a photo there together with your friends. Sometimes you want to ask someone nearby to help you take a picture. In this lesson we will learn how to do this as well as how to use a popular Chinese camera…

Buying things on Taobao

Buying things on Taobao

Do you know what the biggest online shopping site in China is? It’s not Amazon or eBay! It’s Taobao, or 淘宝网 [táo bǎo wǎng]! “淘 [táo]” here means “to pan” as in “panning for gold”, and “宝 [bǎo]” means “treasure”. So 淘宝 [táo bǎo] means “panning/searching for treasure”. It is operated by the Alibaba Group…